What do we do?
Litterbooms are, as the name suggests, mechanisms that trap litter in rivers. With crucial community involvement we collect this waste, sort it and transport it to the KwaMashu Materials Beneficiation Centre for repurposing, or to landfill.
How do we do this?
The basic design of the litterboom, is a floating pipe placed diagonally on a river that diverts floating materials to the riverside for them to be extracted and ideally returned to the circular economy. Partners include Safripol, Reproplast and PowerRush.
Where do we do this?
Our Littterboom Project is managed by TriEcoEmvelo and currently, we have 15 litterbooms with locations ranging from Amanzimtoti in the south to the oHlange river and estuary in the north, and several locations along the uMngeni river between Reservoir Hills and the estuary.
What is the Impact?
As of December 2023, litterbooms have extracted over 10 tons of waste from rivers which both improves the health of the rivers sea and beaches and helps the revival of tourism, currently a dwindling revenue stream for Durban.
How can you get involved?
We are always looking for funding and partners to help cover the costs of training operators and installing and operating more litterbooms. These booms not only do good for the environment but also help with job creation.
Contact Jonathan Welch